Judith Sierra-Rivera holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Pennsylvania and a M.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of Puerto Rico. Her areas of specialization are twentieth-century and contemporary Latin American and Caribbean literature, literary and cultural theory, and gender and sexuality studies. Sierra-Rivera’s research and teaching interests explore intellectual history, militarism/militarization of geographies and bodies, and youth cultures in Mexico, Chile, the Caribbean, and the Caribbean Diaspora. Her current book project examines what she has termed the “affective locus of enunciation” in a series of contemporary intellectual discourses, using different types of media and focusing on everyday life. Her publications include “Desde lo ordinario: el ensayo de la experiencia cotidiana en la escritura intelectual de Camila Henríquez Ureña y Nilita Vientós Gastón” and “En la replica del mí: performance queer y tradición literaria en Reróticas, de Lilliana Ramos Collado.”